1. Reliability and maintainability are certain Quality factors given explicitly in the requirements. If so,list a few other QFs for a web based project and write the rationale for selecting the same.
2. Acceptance test plan contents and explanation
3.Difference between system test plan and acceptance test plan
4. One question on team building- as a test manager what do you think the important things to have a successful team.
5.What are important Quality factors that u will test for in a multiple workstation scenario taht u will not do in asingle work station scenario.
6.The contents of a system test report
7.List 5 test metrics and explain how u can use them.
8.The UI for a defect managment tool.
9.Which steps in a testing process are defect prone- explain why?
10.What according to you are the important docs that u wud refer wen u r testing a change that has been made in a project that has been relased.(ie operational)
11.What do u mean by defect expectation. How can u use it for improving the testing process.
12.Mention three techniques for unit testing. State an objective for unit testing,Based on those, how will ensure that the unit tsting has complied to the expectations.
13. steps involved in testing for security (domain 9)
14.Mention and write on a few techniques for the defect prevention - internal control testing - domain 9
15. What are the important things that u ll look for during a demo of a contractor software.
16.Waht are CSF s. What are the CSFs that u ll look for in a contactor delivered software.Define them.
17 How do u use control charts for controlling the tetsing process. Explain control charts.
18. Write on symbolic execution, complexity measure and one more testing technique (sorry i dont remeber).
19. If the code to be deliverd will be delivered after a week but no change in release date, how will you as test manager plan yr test. (a question that has appeared in lot of previous question papaers.the phrasing is wrong here. but the same)
20. As a test manager - test skill set relates question (iam not sure).
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